Monday, March 26, 2007

I'm meeeelting!

You can almost see dirt up here in Nederland and the preliminary response for the 2007 Patrol has been great so I wanted to thank everyone who has stepped up so far and volunteered to help out. Though we may not be riding at West Magnolia for a few more weeks the trails at lower elevations are dried up and in prime shape so get on out there and ride the rust off. Dave Chase of Redstone Cyclery has again stepped up as a big supporter of the Bike Patrol so make sure you stop by the shop in Lyons to say hi and get all the latest Heil/Hall info. I will be hosting a public meeting in Nederland on April 10th at 6pm at the NEW Wild Mountain Smokehouse & Brewery (mmm, ribs!) for anyone interested in learning more about the BMBP so pass the word and get ready for a great mountain bike season!


Marty said...

Yo Matt!! Nice work on your promotion. And here you thought no one's reading this blog. ;) Can we ride and party at your house?

M said...

The answer (for you always) is yes! Just as soon as we can locate the firepit under all these drifts ;)