Monday, June 30, 2008

Mud Lake "patrol"

Mud Lake is not a priority for patrolling -- but I was up there with my girlfriend Ivete on Sunday 6/29 and had my sign in my pack, so what the heck...

The most interesting contact was running into a very nice woman and her daughter who had 3 llamas. We had a great discussion about her encounters with mountain bikers -- all positive. She said while we're technically supposed to yield, she'd prefer if we just carefully ride by. Llamas, as opposed to horses, are not easily spooked. It didn't even matter whether we pass above or below the llama, if on a slope. I said it would be best if the rider would communicate with her, and ask her preference. She agreed, and said 95% of the time that is what happens...then they end up having a conversation like we did, about llamas, wool, where'd they come from, why are their necks so tall, what is that purring sound he's making...

Anyhow said our goodbyes and she was very appreciative of our patrol work.

1 comment:

Andria said...

awesome! I've always been curious about the llama response to bikes - now I know, and knowing is half the battle.